Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: RF Eye Treatment at Euro Sense

Date: 5 August 2011

Deal: $23 for a 60-min Lymphatic Detox or RF Eye Treatment at Euro Sense worth $150

How it went:

I chose the RF Eye Treatment at their Parkway Parade outlet and went there after work on a Friday. I was hopeful that this would be a great way to wind down my work week. But I was wrong. Firstly, I had a slight difficulty trying to find the outlet. Parkway Parade’s upper floors does that to you. It is actually located in the wing that was used to be known as the Medical Centre. Then when I arrived, the reception was really small and cramped. The customers were kinda seated outside the shop as their seat straddled the doorway – how… erm, HDB.

Euro Sense at Parkway Parade
Euro Sense at Parkway Parade

I was quickly ushered into the treatment areas at the back after they took my printed voucher. Again, it’s entirely Mandarin-speaking even though I answered them in English. There were at least 4 rooms behind but all small and rather cramped, connected by a narrow hallway. At least there were lockers for your belongings, so that was good. The room that I was in was narrow but functional. There was a treatment bed, a machine near the foot of the bed, a stool for the therapist, a mirror haphazardly hung on a wall hook (not even lying flat on the wall) and a mobile tray of generic creams and gels.

Before I could even change out of my clothes into the gown they gave me, my therapist barged in and opened the door. I was just adjusting myself anyway. This RF Eye Treatment was really just the eye treatment. There were no shoulder massages or face prep or anything. She did attempt to remove my eye make-up (but poorly done because I had black streaks after the treatment) and also cleansed my face before covering my eyes and slapping on layers of gels or creams or I don’t know. There was a machine involved and that was soothing but the bed that I was sleeping on… oh gosh! I don’t know why they lay hard plastic sheets with sharp edges on the bed. The towels they throw over these sheets hardly protected me from them. It was uncomfortable and difficult to relax.

Was it worth $150? Nope! Not at all. Firstly, the environment was subpar. Secondly, the service was at best lukewarm. Also, I was in and out of the place within the hour. This means the entire treatment was less than 60-min. Or did they mean 60-min for the facial instead? Needless to say, I didn’t even express any interest in anything they wanted to sell me. Not that she made any more attempts than asking me if I was interesting to sign on a package and why not. This wasn’t a place I’d consider coming back to. But for $23, I think I got my money’s worth. So thanks for the deal!

Posted in Rants & Raves

A New Frivolous Couponing & Life Challenge

About 1 month ago, I set myself 35 goals to achieve before I turn 35 in about 2 years – my 35 before 35. And Number 18 on that list is “Go on holiday with only a handbag and no luggage.” Together with my Couponing addiction of late, I’ve decided that there is an opportunity to now combine both.

Last week I bought a coupon off for a 4day-3night holiday to Bangkok, Thailand (even with the additional fine print nonsense like taxes, it came up to only about S$300 inclusive of hotel & flights). The minimum to travel was 2pax and I bought 1 more for Big Nat. We haven’t locked down the dates yet but it’s valid for travel till 30 April 2012.

The slouchy black MNG handbag I carry to work daily
The slouchy black MNG handbag I carry to work daily

Just for fun, I tried packing stuff into the black MNG handbag I carry to work everyday. And I think I can do this! I managed to pack everything into 4 small pouches that’d fit into my handbag – a little snug but not in danger of splitting.

The 4 pouches in comparison to the bag (which is half empty now)
The 4 pouches in comparison to the bag (which is half empty now)

The red Eagle Creek Half Cube contains:

  • 1 H&M dress
  • 1 Gap Favourite Cami (for bed)
  • 1 pair of black shorts (for bed)
  • 1 t-shirt
  • 1 pair of 3/4 leggings
  • 1 frilly TOPSHOP tank top
  • 5 pairs of panties
  • 1 pair of ankle socks
  • 1 M&S tankini set
(Ok this combination is a bit ridiculous and they don’t go together. I was just trying to see how much I can put in and I grabbed whatever that was on the top of the pile.)

The maroon Eagle Creek Quarter Cube contains:

  • 1 All-in-One Universal Power Adapter
  • 1 iPhone wall-unit charger
  • 1 Joby GorillaPod (for point and shoot cameras)
  • 1 set of sample travel-sized Biotherm toiletries – facial wash, toner, moisturiser
  • 1 pack of Biore Cleansing Oil-In Cotton Wipes (7 out of 10 sheets left) make-up remover
  • 4 Colgate Wisp mini-brush Spearmint sets (travel toothbrush with toothpaste)
4 pouches with all the essentials I need for a 4-day jaunt overseas
4 pouches with all the essentials I need for a 4-day jaunt overseas

The metallic blue pouch is my purse and it holds money, credit cards, my passport and a pen!

The black Paperchase pouch with skull prints holds my everyday make-up.

  • 1 Paul & Joe lipstick (no. 17)
  • 1 MAC Select Sheer Pressed Powder (NC 25)
  • 1 Lancome ARTLINER eyeliner (Noir)
  • 1 Paul & Joe face colour (no. 12)
  • 1 BENEFIT Lemon-Aid
  • 1 CANMAKE eyebrow pencil

How? Not bad right? Hahaha! I just need to make sure I’m wearing most of the other stuff – jeans, cardigan, shades/spectacles. And then with my iPhone 4, I’m ready to travel!

Posted in couponing, My Stuff, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Signature Radiant Facial with Eye Treatment + Neck Care + IPL at Angel Face

Date: 2 August 2011

Deal: $38 for 90 min Signature Radiant Facial with Eye Treatment + Neck Care + IPL at Angel Face (Worth $432)

How it went:

The Adelphi is actually walking distance from my office, so I sauntered there after work. However, the beauty salon was hidden in a quiet corner in the basement and I had to make a few turns before I realised where it was. It would’ve been a great way to end the work day if it weren’t for the fact that the beautician (Li Yong, I think) was really rough. (Well to be honest, I don’t think she is unskilled but too rushed and rough for my liking because I did really want to relax.)

Tucked in a corner, right next to the National Council of Churches Singapore
Tucked in a far corner, right next to the National Council of Churches Singapore

Why do all these spa places only speak Mandarin to you? I usually respond in English, just in case I use the wrong words or say the wrong things. I hardly speak Mandarin, save for learning it in school. I’m not comfortable with it. I’d rather if you need to speak a Chinese language to me, you speak Cantonese. At least I converse with my Grandmother on a daily basis in Cantonese. Also, I thought it was kinda rude when she looked at my name and asked me “You not Chinese ah? You what? You Malay? You Philipine?”. I smiled and didn’t bother answering her.

Drapey curtains over the ceiling...
Drapey curtains over the ceiling…

The room was rather large and had 2 beds. The decor was a little surreal. It had fake brick walls, these flowing chiffon drapes on the ceiling but also a very quaint antique-looking Chinoiserie basin. I did notice it was really really quiet though. And I could’ve really just fallen asleep if it weren’t for the fact that the therapist kept bumping into the treatment bed or knocking over things. Also, I had no idea what she was saying to me and what the hell she put on my face. The first lotion she put was biting and it stung my entire face. She mentioned something about it softening my blackheads. Then she used something to scrape at my entire face and it hurt like a bitch. I tolerated it because I just wanted to see what their “Signature Radiant Facial” meant. She said RF RF RF several times and I didn’t know what she was talking about – I really thought it was something about radio frequency. Then when I left, I realised RF meant Radiant Facial because she kept insisting that I look in the mirror after the treatment because I looked “radiance”. I saw nothing to be honest, and I was kinda glad because I thought the scraping would’ve left some unsightly red bruises. I didn’t enjoy this facial at all. The therapist wasn’t thorough and she was very rough. After the treatment, I got up and I saw that my neck still had a huge patch of mask. She tried to quickly wipe it off and was really rough again.

The quaint basin... but the curtains hides a huge mess of machines
The quaint basin… but the curtains hides a huge mess of machines

So was it worth $432? NOPE! I don’t know what this facial was all about and I didn’t even relax! (However, if you need to do a multi-pronged programme. Go to Li Yong, she’ll have you in and out within an hour.) After the treatment, as usual, I was told there was a promotion that I had to get that very day. That I should stop buying vouchers and really buy a package at 1 fixed place so that my therapist can work on the condition of my very bad, very dull, very dry complexion. When she asked what skincare products I used and I said “L’oreal”, she ppffft at me and said that I can’t just buy cheap off the counter skincare when I really need intensive treatments. Little does she know, I don’t even use L’Oreal. I buy whatever is cheap that month. BAH! Will I go back again? Nope! Not even if there’s another $38 coupon waiting. Sorry!

Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Eyelash Perming Session at Shine Nail Beauty

Date: 1 August 2011

Deal: $20 for 45 min Eyelash Perming Session at Shine Nail Beauty (Worth $68)

How it went:

POMO was fairly accessible. It’s one of those malls on the edge of town – not too far from everywhere else. I also located the shop easily. It was quite near the escalator so when you reached level 3, you’re almost there. The shop was manned by several middle-aged Chinese ladies who spoke a rather strange dialect – Hakka? Hainanese? Throughout my treatment, I kept hearing them talk. One would come in and say something and the other who was attending to me just chit-chatted. No privacy there!

Anyway, the layout of the shop was strange. It was long (not small, but I didn’t get to see the entire place) and messy. I was told to remove my shoes and just leave it there. No where in particular, just a finger pointing in the general vicinity of a table and some chairs where other people’s shoes were strewn around too. Like a house?

The room that I was in was basically a partitioned area just big enough for a treatment bed, a lamp and a chair. I reckon it was less than 1.5m wide. But because I went after work, it was rather quiet and I managed to nap (after my eye stopped tearing and the 2 women stopped talking around my head). It wasn’t the most comfortable treatment and my eyes were obviously irritated by whatever perming lotion she used. It smelt bad too! She also used some plastic clips to hold my lashes in place but she clipped so close that it clamped onto my eyelids. My eyes couldn’t stop tearing and I was literally crying. Even when I got home, my eyes were bloodshot red. Not a good sign. Either I’m too ultra sensitive and shouldn’t perm my lashes again OR she didn’t do a good job.

Curly lashes at the expense of bloodshot eyes
Curly lashes at the expense of bloodshot eyes

Was it worth $68? Maybe. I’m not sure. Let’s see how long this perm lasts and if my eyelashes start dropping off. Heh. Definitely though, $20 was pretty reasonable I think (possibly going blind non-withstanding).

Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Scalp Analysis + Wash & Blow + L’Oreal Hair Spa + Cut at Charme Hair Studio

Date: 23 July 2011

Deal: $38 for Scalp Analysis + Wash & Blow + L’Oreal Hair Spa Treatment + Cut at Charme Hair Studio (Worth $156)

How it went:

It was really crowded from the moment I stepped in. The salon was small and a little cramped. Part of the decor was chic and it seemed like it could’ve worked but it was so small and cramped and messy at some parts. My face was literally 3 inches away from a row of hanging aprons when I was getting my hair washed. Cleanliness of certain areas leave much to be desired. Even if it was a busy day, I’m sure dust wouldn’t accumulate so crazily in corners (see picture below) so quickly. Also, they put their hair dryers on the floor and pick them off the ground when they want to blow dry your hair. It’s a bit dangerous that way, no? With that said, I’m undecided about whether I like this place or not.

The thing to hold hair dryers
The thing to hold hair dryers

My scalp analysis was a disappointment. Groupon said “Detailed scalp consultation and hair spa treatment”. I barely got a few words out. Mainly, “how often do you do hair treatments” (almost never), “you have very fine hair” (yes I know). And I went to get my hair washed. Then there was a machine that looked like a giant steaming nappy on my head. Then another wash. Then a haircut (I didn’t really care as long as it was short). And that’s it. Byebye! No come back again, no would you like to buy this, no… nothing. I must say I really liked that actually. I didn’t want too much hardselling or small talk either.

Egg-shaped machine with a steaming nappy for my hair spa
Egg-shaped machine with a steaming nappy for my hair spa

There were a lot of men who obviously were either regular customers or just really good friends hanging out. Amongst them, fashionable, chic gay men. Actually no, all types of gay men. Your gym bunnies, your small effeminate ones, your metrosexuals, sporty gay men… I don’t know. All sorts of men. All friendly and laughing. This is the perfect place for happy men of all types. Especially if you speak Cantonese or Mandarin! (I felt old, spinsterly and dowdy in comparison. Made me feel like I also want to be part of the gang, you know?)

CHARME at Far East Plaza
CHARME at Far East Plaza

Was it worth $156? No… I don’t think so. Even with the location and the perception that the hair spa treatment was expensive, I’d say… maybe $100 for the entire experience. I like my haircut though. It was worth $38 in itself. And all in, very fast! Just over an hour! I like that.

Posted in couponing, My Stuff, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Cell Enzyme Face Treatment + De-stress Body Massage at Maple World Beauty

Date: 21 July 2011

Deal: $39 Instead of $446, 91% off Cell Enzyme Face Treatment (75 min) + De-Stress Body Massage (45 min) by Maple World Beauty. Available at 2 Locations

How it went:

While the branch I went to was located in central Singapore at Orchard Road, it was not exactly the nice part of Orchard Road. You had to walk past dodgy Orchard Towers, for one. And also the walk from Orchard MRT station made me break out into a little sweat. I guess for a beauty salon that started in Ang Mo Kio, to be able to open a branch downtown is sign that they were actually doing pretty well.

Orchard Hotel
Orchard Hotel

I had no problems with the therapists and the treatments. They were 2 small-sized women who didn’t speak very good English but they had brute strength. I didn’t need them to talk to me anyway. My face actually looked a lot brighter and my pores much smaller after my facial. This wasn’t one of those “See! It looks so much nicer!” and me squinting to see the difference. The entire process took about 2 hours so it was well worth my trek and well worth the money!

Maple World Beauty - treatment room
Maple World Beauty – treatment room

Unfortunately I didn’t like the room they put me in. Mainly it was tiny and freezing. It looked like they had about 6 other different rooms inside another area but I was put outside right next to the reception. So it was a little noisy and there was a group of women who laughed and talked at the top of their voices in Malay whilst I was inside. Relaxing, it was not. Perhaps it’d have been better if you had the treatments inside in privacy instead. Every time the therapist opened the door, anyone seated at the reception can see me lying on the treatment bed.

Was it worth $446? No! But I’d pay up to $70 for this combination of treatments. They also recommended some packages which I’d have taken up if a) I didn’t already sign up with Fresver b) I had tried the treatments inside instead c) I didn’t mind trekking down Orchard Road to get to the MRT station in messy crazy hair (which always happens after facial). They had a promotional offer which cost about $48 per treatment (you had to buy 10 at $480) and I thought that was really decent. If you had the chance, you should get it!

Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Facial + Foot Care Treatment at Y. S. Beauty Salon

Date: 16 July 2011

Deal: $26 for a Facial + Foot Care Treatment at Y. S. Beauty Salon worth $269

How it went:

This was one of the first coupons I bought and I didn’t check where this beauty salon was located. It took me ages to get from Kovan to Clementi and you still had to cross the road and walk a few blocks as it wasn’t located at Clementi Central itself. This is very honestly a neighbourhood beauty salon and save for 1 person, the other people in it didn’t speak much English. I am assuming they do not only serve the neighbourhood but also ONLY Chinese-speaking customers.

My therapist was a woman called Jess (why do people with English names not speak English?) who tried her earnest best to explain the treatment to me in English. I understood her enough and I didn’t really want to talk when I was trying to relax. The scary machine strikes again and I literally begged her to stop. She was puzzled because it was an expensive treatment. The mist-spraying machine came out and I didn’t like that either, but out of courtesy, I braced myself for it. This woman has strength. Her massages were forceful (not firm, but with force). (Surprisingly, I didn’t bruise this time.) So other than the face and upper body massage, the “foot care treatment” was actually a soak, scrub and leg massage (not unlike your run-of-the-mill foot reflexology or pre-pedicure routine). The room was merely partitioned panels and I could hear people laughing and talking at the top of their voices while I had the mask on and was told to relax. Not exactly spa-like but I guess it’s typical of your suburban neighbourhood outlets.

Another thing not in their favour is trying to charge me TWICE. I handed over my printed voucher before the treatment and after the treatment, they asked me how I was going to pay the $26. I asked them why I needed to pay for anything and it turns out they have been charging OTHER CUSTOMERS $26 despite their having a voucher. I explained that the fact that the voucher was in my hand proved that I had made payment via VoucherWow. I was told that “some customers” haven’t paid for it and that they weren’t sure how this voucher thing worked. ALARM BELLS! Poor aunties who got double-charged.

Was it worth $269? Uhm no. Maybe not even $69 because it was located in a far-out HDB flat downstairs shop. At the same time, while I think their prices are too outrageous, it might be because they are misguided into thinking that it is the “standard” price. I’d pay $200 for a facial if it was located in a convenient place, has a relaxing environment and if it came with all the frills. Sometimes, it’s not just the treatments. You pay for the perception of quality too.

Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Award-Winning Facial & Eye Treatment at FIL Skin, Body & Spa Intelligence

Date: 4 July 2011

Deal: Voucher for $30 for an Award-Winning Facial and Relaxing Eye or Neck Treatment at FIL Skin, Body & Spa Intelligence Worth $320

How it went:

I arrived harried and quite disturbed because I couldn’t remember if I had brought my wallet with me and lost it or I simply just left it back home. They asked for my IC so they could register me and when I explained that I don’t have it with me and I might have lost it, they were a bit shocked and told me I couldn’t register without any form of identification. I was prepared to walk out and go home. Seriously, it’s a $30 facial and I might have lost more than that. If you can’t register me, forget it right? So anyway, it was sorted and I proceeded to a consultation room with Lyn.

Overall, a rather upmarket and comfortable environment. I went to the FIL at Dhoby Ghaut, just next to the Plaza Singapura taxi stand. Lyn assessed my face and discussed my needs before offering 3 types of treatments to me. I picked the “whitening” one because it’s supposed to help with uneven skin tone (and I do have some sun spots on the side of my face that I hate). My therapist was Nana and she was really nice. Her technique was good and she applied just the right amount of pressure for everything. The only downside is that she kept speaking to me in Mandarin and because it’s not my first language, I react very slowly.

The room I had my facial in was decent. Compared to Amore and Beyond Beauty, it was a tad tiny but I had enough space to move and it was comfortable. Unlike Amore, I could hear people talking outside as it was one of those folding doors. But other than that I liked it a lot though. The location was great too. You could tell that the products they used were more expensive than compared to d’Light Spa or Fresver. Unfortunately I was too worried about my lost wallet to relax and enjoy the entire treatment.

Was it worth $320? Nope! Only because I asked and Lyn said it usually costs $158. She asked if I wanted to find out about their latest promotion and because I genuinely enjoyed the treatment and could see myself coming back, I said yes. She pulled out a very good offer. At $75 per session, there were about 30 or more different types of face, body and slimming treatments (inclusive the whitening one I had just experienced) to choose from. The only thing was I had to buy 20 sessions at a total of $1500. If I had my wallet with me, I’d have signed up. 20 sessions will last me about 2 years! $75 per treatment at a convenient and comfortable environment. The only thing was, she said if I was interested I had to pay now or at the latest tomorrow, because it was a promotion from last month. Alarm bells rang! It was all good and professional up to that point.  There was no hard-selling sales pitch but, this “only for you”/”must buy now” thing has been happening too often. So I found my wallet at home *phew* but I don’t think I’ll be going back tomorrow to put down any money. I do still have a couple more facial vouchers and if I really can’t find something better, I’ll definitely go back to FIL.

Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Anti-aging facial at D’Light Spa

Date: 1 July 2011

Deal: $28 for 75 min Hydro-Source Anti-Aging Facial with Sparkling Eye Treatment at D’Light Spa (Worth $196)

How it went:

Booking an appointment was easy and when I had to change my appointment from Wednesday to Friday, it was easy too. I had it in my head that Punggol wasn’t that far from Kovan (where I live now) since it was only a few stops on the North-East Line. Turns out, it was a different world altogether… even if it wasn’t very far away. It was quiet and dark when I left the beauty salon. The nearby blocks of flats were yet to be completed and some were just not occupied yet.

Don't wear your good shoes there because you'll have to leave them out in the open
Don’t wear your good shoes there because you’ll have to leave them out in the open

After exiting Punggol MRT, I had no problems locating the shop. It was a small set-up with 3 rooms and nicely renovated. From what the therapists told me, they had been there for about 3 years. It was nice, clean and very decent. Unfortunately, it was right under the MRT tracks and the trains rumbling kept me from relaxing. My therapist was a girl called Jess. She was quite inexperienced in that she was too gentle and afraid to hurt me. Her technique was ok though. I liked getting my face massaged with lotions. I saw a lot of Decleor and Gatineau products but I doubt that was what they used on me. I didn’t like that I was sharing a room with someone else and I had to inch my way in. Also I could hear the other woman talking to her therapist.

It's quite deserted outside. Too dark & quiet at night. In the day, ok.
It’s quite deserted outside. Too dark & quiet at night. In the day, ok.

I’m not sure if the facial was what the deal was supposed to be. There was no hard-selling, that I liked. Jess asked once if I wanted to add an ampoule for my dry skin even though the description on Groupon said this facial was meant to combat dry skin and fine lines. I said no, and she left it as that. She did have problems removing my eye make-up though. I found that there were dark streaks under my eyes when I looked in the mirror before I left.

I was told about a special package they were offering to customers who came with Groupon vouchers. It came up to slightly less than $300 for 4 facials and some extras. Unfortunately, I’m a cheapskate and I can’t afford anything more than $50 for a session. Also, I’ve been told I’ve got good skin (even if they always tsktsk me when I said I had no skin care routine at home). I don’t care if I have some fine lines – I’m 33! This is part of aging, no? I don’t need expensive treatments nor can I afford it yet. But no hard-selling. They said ok once I said, I’ll think about it but not now.

d'LIGHT spa.... not really a spa
d’LIGHT spa…. not really a spa

Was it worth $196? Nope, maybe about $70? But if I lived in Punggol or Sengkang, I’d definitely consider buying a package there. They were really nice to me and it’d be convenient if I lived in that area.

Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: Massage & Facial by Fresver Beauty

Date: 27 June 2011

Deal: $28 instead of $233, 88% off 95-Minute Anti-Stress Back Massage + Spa Refreshing Facial + Relaxing Eye Treatment for Men & Women by Fresver Beauty. Walk Away with a Free Elastic Q10 Eye Mask (Worth $58)

How did it go:

Booking an appointment took a few tries. There was a centralised system where you called 1 number instead of the branch you wanted. My calls were ignored for 1 day, then I tried calling another 6-7 times before someone returned my call. My preferred time was 7pm on 27 June 2011, at the Hougang Bus Interchange branch because it is near where I currently live. It was changed a total of 3 times (not by me) before I ended up going for my treatment at 6.30pm. Strange location, not necessarily bad but I’ve never seen shops (save for little snack kiosks) at bus interchanges. Took me a while to locate it because I went there by MRT and I didn’t know it was literally in the bus interchange in front of some bus bays.

It was decent inside the salon but there was definite suburban shoppe vibes. The massage therapist was chatty and it wasn’t really relaxing but she had great technique. Once I found the will to ignore her questions about my tattoos and what I did for work, I managed to relax (only for a while because the massage was only 20mins long). The rooms were a little tiny and the walls were thin. I could hear people laughing and some banging on the partition walls. The facial was not bad but nothing to rave about. I fell asleep because I generally do fall asleep at facials.

I had facial at True Spa, Beyond Beauty and Amore Day Spa prior to this and I was used to that level of comfort, privacy, service and dare I say, luxury. I didn’t particularly think they were luxurious till I went to Fresver. Price-wise, Fresver tried to sell me packages that were in the price-range of what I’d have paid at Amore (without the frills or the convenience) but because I am genuinely shopping for something, I ended up buying 6 sessions at $188 (with GST, it came up to slightly over $200).

At less than $35 per session, I’d say that’s a little under what I’d pay for such services at a small operation like this. To be honest, I was prepared to pay up to $50 per session but I didn’t have $960 (which was the minimum 20 sessions x $48 package) upfront and I think she was desperate to make a sale. There came a point where she offered to pay part of the package for me, only to pay her back in installments. She literally asked me what I could afford and magically pulled out “promotions” from 3 years back just for me… dedication much?

Was the coupon really worth $233. Nope! They didn’t even give me that whatever elastic eyemask (not that I wanted it). I’d say it came up to slightly under $100 at most. They weren’t even using the Dr. Grandel products that she raved about being the sole distributor to. Just generic ones. Also, it’s a bus interchange shop, yo! It was quite small and they were a little bit messy inside (plastic pails along the corridor).