Posted in couponing, Rants & Raves

Couponing: French Formulated Tummy, Hip & Thigh Slimming Treatment + Home Care Kit + Professional Meal Plan Analysis at Dorra Slimming

Date: 9 August 2011

Deal: $10 for a French Fomulated Tummy, Hip & Thigh Slimming Treatment + Home Care Kit + Professional Meal Plan Analysis at Dorra Slimming (worth $300). Plus free $100 treatment voucher.

How it went:

It didn’t. I got conned. I went there and their supervisor Sharon Au spent about 45minutes telling how fat I am (luckily she wasn’t really rude but it was quite tiresome). After I said I couldn’t afford their treatments, she basically said I was lying and she didn’t believe I didn’t have $300. Also she could help me apply for credit cards since I didn’t have one. I told her it was a matter of principle. I don’t want to spend money I don’t have. Then I was sent off on my way. I was puzzled and re-read my voucher (thank you iPhone). I went back and asked about the treatment I was supposed to get and the home-care kit. Long story short, read this complaint email (filled with grammatical/spelling errors, anger does that to me) I sent to (again thanks iPhone)

I paid $10 for a 90-min treatment plus consultation at Dorra. I went to Ngee Ann City outlet. The voucher says I’m entitled to a treatment and a take-home kit. Your copy oversold everything and I think you should be honest.$10 was too good to be true. I spent 45min talking to a consultant. No treatment but I was made to sign some things that were ambiguous. She spoke a mixture of mandarin and English so I don’t know what she was saying. My exact words where “so there is no treatment?” and she said when I’m ready to pay $300 she will do the treatment and give me the $100 voucher for discount. I refused to buy a package when I didn’t even get a trial. What the hell was I buying?I left after a long talk about how I had no money for their packages and went back again after re-reading the voucher. I asked about the take-home kit. It was a bottle about the size of a lighter in a patent purple pouch.

You can keep the $10. But please be honest. $10 was too good to be true and they probably made a buck off me today. But I spent money traveling to town for nothing.

Irate customer

Sent from my iPhone

Screen capture of the VoucherWow copy. Liars!
Screen capture of the VoucherWow copy. Liars!
Big glossy room, built with the money they con from people.
Big glossy room, built with the money they con from people.
How this is valued even near S$300, I have no idea. It's the size of a lighter.
How this is valued even near S$300, I have no idea. It’s the size of a lighter.